Another World Series of Poker bracelet finds its way to Ebay

With Peter Eastgate’s 2008 World Series of Poker Main Event bracelet fetching over $100,000 on EBay at the moment another enterprising poker enthusiast has decided to dip their toes into the WSOP bracelet/EBay market. Paul “Eskimo” Clark’s 1999 WSOP bracelet –which he won in the $1,500 Razz tournament—has found its way on to the popular auction site.

Clark’s gold bracelet –whose only embellishment is an engraving of the words World Series of Poker and 1999– stands in marked contrast to Eastgate’s 291 diamonds, hand-painted, trophy. Not to mention the slightly different historical significance of each piece. So it should come as no surprise that Eskimo Clark’s bracelet is fetching only a few thousand dollars at the moment –although it is worth some $5,000 based solely on the amount of gold it contains.

While it doesn’t appear that Clark posted the auction based on the location of the seller, London, the seller apparently purchased it from Eskimo Clark at some point in the past. Perhaps the slew of unlucky bidders who do not obtain Eastgate’s WSOP bracelet will switch their interest to Eskimo Clark’s? Although it wouldn’t look quite as nice around the neck of Tony G’s German Shepherd, Zasko, as Eastgate’s bling.

My guess is that depending on how Clark’s bracelet fares we will either see very few WSOP bracelets on EBay in the future, or a whole a host of them.

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